Tips For Designing The Perfect Business Card For Your Company

A business card is a must-have marketing accessory. These wallet-sized cards can be carried around with you wherever you go so you can quickly, politely, and professionally distribute your contact details to potential clients.

If you want prospective clients to cling to your card instead of just discarding it then it is important to create something that is just as stylish as it is informative. But what makes a good business card design Melbourne? What type of information should you include on this card and how do you keep it from becoming too cluttered with information? Here are a couple of tips to help you create a perfect card design.

Select The Size And Shape

Before you can get to work on your card design, you should choose a suitable card shape and size. Most business cards are rectangular with the standard 8.9 x 5.1 cm size. This is a popular size and shape because it fits nicely into the card holder slots of wallets and it allows companies to produce masses of cards affordably.

While this standard size is a safe choice, you can choose a different shape or size if you want your cards to stand out. Cards with rounded corners, or rectangular cards can give your business a more unique look but you should keep in mind that it will be more challenging to keep these cards on you since they won’t necessarily fit into your wallet slots.

Consider Double-Duty Cards

Graphic designers have gotten pretty creative with business cards. There are lots of companies out there that produce multi-purpose cards that can be useful in some way so people won’t just discard them. Magnetic business cards are a good example since they can double for fridge magnets.

 Select Information

Naturally, you will want your card to have your contact details on it and it can be good to include some information about the type of services your company offers. At the same time, you should be careful not to overload the card with information. Too much text will reduce the flow and visuals of your card. As a rule of thumb, your card should include a logo, contact person, secondary information like email address and contact number, and a little bit of information about your main services. You should make room for lots of white space so the card won’t look too overwhelming.

Maximize The Logo

Your company logo should be accentuated on your business card because this is exactly what creates brand awareness and makes the card easy to distinguish from other business cards. Most companies will try to reserve the back of the card for the logo. This allows you to create a nice large logo and leaves plenty of room to display your company name. The logo can also appear on the information side of the card but it should be smaller.

Consider Typeface

The typeface or fonts you use on your card will have a huge impact on the overall card’s appearance and readability. On most cards, the general information (contact number, email, etc.) is printed in font size 8 pts. Other information like your contact name, business name, or a few services can be a little bit bigger with a maximum of 12pts or you can bold this information. Most designers prefer to print the business name in a font larger than 12pts so it will stand out.

You should also be careful to select a font style that matches your business image. For elegantly styled companies, it is also important to select a font that is elegant yet easy to read.

Print on Demand

If you are having a tough time creating your own business card then the best thing you can do is hire a professional from Print on demand to design it for you. Qualified graphic designers will work closely alongside you to create a business card that suits your exact needs yet looks professional. This company also offers printing services in Melbourne and can produce as many of these useful cards as you need once the design is complete.

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