Our Offset Printing Melbourne

5 Types of Labels We Can Print for Your Product

Print on Demand offers high-quality label printing services in Melbourne. Below are five types of labels we can print for your product:

  • Safety & Compliance Labels

Before getting into the “fun” labels you can use to add a WOW factor to your product or service offering, we’ve got to clear out the “boring” labels like safety and compliance labels.

Depending on your product, you may require disclosure of certain ingredients, for example. There is no avoiding these if you are mandated to provide them to customers. Other labels that – even if not legally mandated – may be helpful for all sorts of other practical reasons include barcodes and unique product identifiers which can help your supply chain management team, for example.

  • Product Labels

Naturally, one of the first types of labels that may come to mind are product labels. Generally what we mean by product labels is packaging labels such as the product’s name and logo, usage and storage instruction labels, ingredient labels, legally mandated labels, labels for things like eco-friendly or other initiatives, and so on.

Product packaging can be (and should be) visually appealing, catching the customer’s eye as soon as possible and giving them the most important information right off the bat. Large graphics, the product name, logo, and other simple branding are often all that are needed for the main label.

Additional labels that include ingredients, instructions, and other finer details can also be printed for your product.

  • Food & Beverage Labels

Would you buy and drink from a bottle filled with black liquid not knowing what it even is? Slap a red Coca-Cola label on it and immediately everyone recognises what’s inside the bottle.

Food and beverage labels often need to be a little more resilient than other product labels, simply because food and beverage products may have specific storage conditions (cold/frozen), exposure to heat, and so on which means that the label must withstand expected conditions.

Food and beverage labels must be food-safe, resilient to moisture, cold, and/or heat, while also being appealing to look at. Ancillary labels that include ingredients, barcode, and other relevant information must also meet these criteria.

  • Promotional Labels

Business marketing has drastically shifted into the online space, but old-fashioned printed labels and promotional materials have never fully gone out of fashion. Promotional labels can be an excellent way for businesses to promote goods and/or services, especially on the local level which is naturally great for your target audience (if you’re a small or medium-sized business, particularly).

Promotional labels include small or even large graphics, announcements for upcoming events, special offers and seasonal discounts, and much more.

A big trend nowadays is to print out labels with just a QR code and perhaps a logo (or nothing at all!). QR codes can be hit or miss, but they can be a fantastic opportunity worth exploring. When QR codes are effectively used, they drive traffic to your website or a specific product/service and really engage people in a way that just seeing a sticker or graphic might not.

  • Custom Labels

Labels come in all shapes and sizes and surely you don’t want a one-size-fits-all label for your product. All of the hard work spent planning and developing (and manufacturing) your product are all for nought without good, effective labels.

Consider getting in touch with a reliable print shop near you in Melbourne such as Print on Demand to request bespoke label printing for your product.

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